To every dog its sport, this should be the basic rule when choosing a sport. The sport must enjoy both, people as well as the dog. Best, a sport is chosen which fits best on account of the many years' breeding and to the corresponding breed. With the Nordic dogs are this compulsively the sports which can be counted in first to the Nordic sports, as for example husky sport, Skijoering, Pulkasport, etc. From these winter sports derived are probably rather the sports chariot race and Bikejöring. Naturally, e.g., Agility can also be exercised with the Nordic. One must simply know the fact that these dogs are not necessarily suitable for it and therefore much more energy and staying power is required as with other dog's breeds.
Farther one must consider, that in summer and with big heat, all the dogs enjoy the sport. If the dog has experienced once a bad situation, it is uncommonly difficult to win him again for this sport. The person - anyhow, each normal among us - in big heat will consider two times whether he will move really or whether he wants to rest rather in the cool shade.
Each has already seen these pieces of apparatus or has belonged at least from them. These devices can be used only on firm subsoil like asphalt or concrete impressively. However, this subsoil is the most pure poison for the paws and the skeleton of the dog because a such ground shows no pushing off behaviours.
Certainly, one can move with the dog on such subsoil now and then occasionally, but never for several kilometers. For the perfectionists under the Inlineskaters and rolling skiers at most a pot-even, finely gravelled way presents itself.
Some one may connect with this notion right away mental the catalogue picture on which a joyfully alongside trotting dog is connected with the bicycle by a special construction. This suggests at the same time of the possibility to be able to satisfy the working joy of our dog about longer distances than on foot. This so often shown part is suitable absolutely for the fast walk from time to time and, therefore, is called Springer ®, but however, has nothing to do with Jöring.
The construction of the Springer ® consists of a upwards directed, very cushioned distance hanger at whose high end a ring is fastened. In this ring the dog is hung on with an approximately 60 cm long rope which is provided at both ends with a sculpture carbine, so that the driver has both hands in order to steer and brake freely. This device belongs not to a racing cycle with narrow tyres, but to a more robust bicycle.
However, for the activities aimed on sporting training the Springer ® offers crucial disadvantages, namely that our dog in the basic training is taught to be led on the left side and on knee height. Now with this device, however, he should be led suddenly on the right and from the front. In addition a raised violation risk appears with an unexpected steering movement with the dog. If the dog has done sometime bad experiences, he will drift very soon as a precaution to the right and become the oblique runner what claims his movement machine unproportionally and closes prematurely. Therefore almost all ambitious dog's sportsmen have put the Springer ® very soon aside.
More suitable for a goal oriented training are some usual Mountainbikes or at own need co-ordinated own constructions. The most apparent difference is first that the dog runs ahead and is led from the back how this is prescribed in the corresponding winter sport sorts and that he carries a custom-made train tableware.
The longer the hauling cable, the better unevenness, stones and puddles can be driven around better by the driver avoiding some possible accident. The length of the hauling cable is not regulated.
DSo that the dog can also be followed over stick and stone, our training device must not only be solid enough, but also be freed from superfluous or too dangerouors individual parts for our dog. This also is to be considered to the usual, rather expensive high tech-Mountainbikes which show a too high main point on top of everything because of their 26 " wheels. Dynamo, emitter, steering wheel horns, unprotected brake cables, fast fasteners in the wheel hubs, foot holders in the pedals, carrier - everything unusably for the Bike-Jöring with our dog. A highest order for all re-equipments always is the safety of our dog.
If Bike-Jöring with only one dog is pursued, one can hang him up just in own sports corset (a simple lap strap slips too easily upwards). A separate dog will not pull away persons to much from the bike, even after an accident. If two are clamped or even more dogs with additional train leash springs, the wheel does not only lie very far behind after an accident, but it also requires an enormous effort to reach this wheel with the forward pressing dogs again. There an attachment by means of a special ring below the steering wheel is recommended. Then anyway a correspondingly long emergency cord should be shut between this ring and the sports corset never to lose the connection with the bottom plate in spite of an accident and the dragging of more than twenty or thirty meters. Who has done his corresponding experiences after the first meetings with a fleeing piece of game or a freely running walker's dog, knows about the force of pursueing dogs and will carry therefore on top of everything a snow or tree anchor.
Very important: the dog may never be supported by the driver so strongly that he gets used in the non-pulling. Fundamentally the dog gives the speed which adapts itself the person. Those dogs who adapt themselves in different ground only to the speed offered in each case by no means are minimalists, but quite clever: They let work namely, in this case the person. Therefore additional stimulus is required in every situation, because in the contests, in which sometimes to provide equal opportunities opposite the participants who participate with companions similar to roller the driving chains are forbidden, even though it also is to be driven up- and downhill.
Bikejöring took place first in the world already in 1995 in Studen near Einsiedeln (Switzerland).
Under Obedience one understands learning the basic obedience which represents finally the basis for most other sporting activities.
Because with Obedience no time measurement takes place, this leisure sport is suitable for older dogs as well as for people who are not any more absolutely in bestform. Finally the accurate execution of the separate, exactly regulated exercises, nevertheless, over all requires a crucial training with constant motivation, because it is to be reached the most possible points.
In Sweden this sport is already pursued since the sixties, while it was recognized, for example, in Switzerland only in 1996 as a new dog sport discipline. Till there the basic training took place for dogs by examinations for accompanydogs. The essential difference between Obedience and examinations for accompanydogs consists in the fact that there is no military announcing and giving notice of removal, no track work, to no districts and no long jump.
Exercises of the Obedience
- Put away in the group with min. 3 dogs
- leash guidance
- Free consequence
- Place from the movement
- Put away from the movement with approaching
- Free jump over hurdle
- send away with putting down
- Retrieve
- Identification of one subject out of two
- Control on distance
The word comes from the Latin and means quickly, agilely. In this sport pursued since well 20 years swiftness and agility are demanded not only with our dog. It is a contest sport paw-hard at the same time hard as rock around fractions of a second and mistake points. The dog's guide participating in it must already be a rather good athlete to mix together in front.
Agility is executed as a single contest as well as as a team contest in three size classes about a course of ten to maximally 20 hindrances. Definitely faultless overcoming all hindrances brings 220 points on the account to plus of required individual time. The order and the number of the hindrances varies from course to course what does not allow a routined passing of the whole course. It depends very much on how well a dog can be led. For time reasons the capability to lead the dog from the right - in contradiction to Obedience - is used too. Apart from that the dog's guide would have to do in each case long ways around the dog what would be possible naturally only with big time delay. The teams (dog's guide and dog) can visit the course before the real start and plan a very optimal line for themself. Because the dog inclines intuitively to run after the optically most positive appearing ideal line, course planner build so named seductions. This means that the attention of our dog is steered during the surmounting of a hindrance automatically on another which is not demanded, however, at all as next.
Out of from several high jumps oblique wall, bar, seesaw and table the Agilitycourse consits of long jump, jump by a hung up height-adjustable tyre, slalom and tube as well as the contact zone hindrances after old and / or new standard. Four latter hindrances are named so because inexperienced dogs come down early or takes pattern from his master what leads in every separate contact with a points deduction.
These are some confusingly many different designations for a lot of very similar things with often only low modifications. Misleading in the leisure popular sport is the word Military, because it does not have to do with the serious education for bulletproof army or police service dogs, protection, disasters dogs and sniffer dogs who match themselves annually, for example, with the Military Swiss Open or German Open. In this leisure sport rather fun or enjoyment is meant for all 4 and 2-legged participants, because it consists of elements of Obedience and Agility and is larded with a multiplicity of other tasks.
Who does not necessarily want to work in these categories in the hard contest with qualifications, the whole rather considers under the aspect of pleasure and alternation, needs only to open the relevant dog's magazines. There he finds plentifull offers for chat-weeks or only Fun-weekends with which in loose atmosphere together with the other students and hotel guests a lot of varied experiences. Certainly, points are also distributed there, but just only to the enjoyment.
Examples of tasks:
- Small Agility-Parcours
- Questions about breeds
- Ropejumping in front of the lying dog
- Retrieve of different objects
- easy obedience exercices
- Parallelslalom
- Drive on a raft, handcarts or barrow
The Combined Speed cup is basically a triathlon, however, obliges nobody to start in all three parts. These approx. 1986 introduced competition dog sports is executed as a single contest or team contest and consists of three parts with differently high demands. Besides, every team can just use for three parts in each case another dog-man-team, in each the most suitable, so called specialists. Allrounder are not asked for with the CSC.
The first part is the most demanding part. With this very close put course it depends first of all on skill, leadability, agility and jump property to graduate a very perfect dance through the gates.
The second part is the longest course and is something for well recorded sprinters with a single critical turn about low hindrances with which, however, the dog's guide may never run ahead of his dog.
The third and easiest part consists of a short course right ahead with four hindrances which can also be mastered by the less experienced, however fast teams just like that.
The stress lies on the meeting, just to the meeting of young dog-keen on sports which should be advanced playfully to the later, serious sports categories. However, with the Kid meeting one has simply turned around the proved appreciation system, while there are points not for mistake, but as a stimulus for every correctly graduated hindrance.
The Canin cross (CC) has its origin in the Duathlon of the official dogs, a cross run with shooting post as well as protection service work. Remained of it have for the youth Canin cross the run over more than three to four kilometers with self-willed hindrances. Besides, the dog must be at least 1 year old and with a leash.
Each hindrance (high jumps and long jumps, Crawl through of a concrete tube, unterwidths of a low beam, etc) must be graduated somehow. Crucially for the whole course is the time and while letting out a hindrance or, however, if someone does not take the dog's shit, a penalty is given.
In Switzerland, for example, CC-contests since 1996 are practiced with often up to fifty participants and even Swiss Championships, after preperformed qualification runs.
This sport is executed as contestes only in Switzerland. At the end of August, 1998 the first final took place after several preliminary decisions in Bern.
How already the designation tripoli senses, this consists of Agility and Mobility occurred sport from three parts - naturally everything without leash.
In the first part two dog's guides with their dogs start against the stop watch in parallel about a hindrance course. As known from the Agility a long jump, a small slalom between four pylons and crawling through a tunnel or flexible tube have to be performed. Again, and also not to favor the Agilityprofis one-sided, an alley invested in the right corner is to be mastered faultlessly. The wood bars lying there on the pylons may not be jumped over neither be thrown down.
The second part consists of an easily modified Mobilitycourse with seven stations and also some elements from out of the Obedience.
In the third part, concluding the contest, the participants must go through a course against the watch. This course contains again some parts of the known Agilityhindrances, but some tinkered up ones.
Because still no final regulations exist for tripoli, borders are hardly set to the wealth of ideas of the organizer.
This world-wide hardest protection dog sport is recognized by the RCI since January, 1995 and is pursued in Switzerland since the eighties, in Austria, e.g., however, it is not yet legalized. Until a participation to the contests in Mondioring is not only a long way, the sport itself is not an everybody's thing.
With the Mondioring sequences were filtered out from the known ring sports and were summarized into standardized examination regulations which also contains - how the name also says - also man's work, as protection service. Modioring becomes in three fields subordination, jumps and protection service divide and the subordination corresponds in essence the Obedience. The single difference lies in the Apport which may weigh up to 1 kg and can be instead of the normal bring-woods an empty beer box, a watering can or sculpture bottle, but never glass or metal.
With the jumps the demands are put very high, 2.30 m in the wall, 1.20 m in the high jump and up to 4m in the long jump.
Finally, the protection service contains the attack from the front and on the flight, the districts like the medical service dog, the defence of the dog's guide and guarding of subjects.
With this sport contrived vehicles are applied specially for dogs, or can be clamped according to category a dog or two dogs. Both Carttypes with 20 or 30 kg are lighter than the training vehicles of the husky sportsmen, by whom finally the idea was taken, weighing up to 90 kg. Even for less sportingly ambitious such Carts offer an outstanding and varied conditioning possibility for their dog.
This still rather young sport was called into life by the sports journalist Coni Altherr, who offered in 1995 the first running of this sort in Studen near Einsiedeln, Switzerland. This sport was founded for the reason to offer a sportcontest to every owner of only one dog. Then already in 1997 the first Swiss championship was executed.
These runnings are executed in each case in three different categories and it is released to every participant from starting in all or only in separate categories. So he has the choice between Speed, sprint and skill course.
In the Speed two bottom plates start in the KO-system on a circuit of 400 to 800 m mutually.
Then in the sprint the dog already has to graduate a circuit from 2.3 to 5 kms of length and a time measurement exact on tenth second takes place.
Finally, the skill course represents a real challenge to our dog, but also in the Cartdriver. Such a course - values after time and mistakes - consists of five standard hindrances which have same dimensions in all runnings. For the rest some hindrances with some functional criteria have been chosen, however, but vary from place to place.
In Switzerland this sport is delivered as an independent sport for Dog-and Sacco-Cart equally, but bottom plates to maximally four dogs are admitted since newest in the sprint also before more wightning vehicles.
In the FRG. and incidentally foreign country the categories Bikejöring and Cart near roller are only an insignificant small untergrouping with the huskies-chariot races more than two days with 4, 6 and 10-dogs classes.